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Learning to Trust God Completely

It has taken time and many trials and tribulations to get to the point where I completely trust God. However, everything I’ve been through has helped to strengthen my faith and has helped me to see the faithfulness of God.

There have been many times when I didn’t have anyone to rely on but God. In those times, I really had to sit with the uncertainty and be patient. Sure I had moments of going back and forth with fear, and in those moments, I reminded myself that God did not give me a spirit of fear, and that I could put my complete trust in Him.

I ask myself, Why do I fear when God is the one who created me and the one who knows what’s best for me?? That revelation gives me so much peace. I don’t have to worry. God has proven to be faithful in my life time and time again. He has never left me nor forsaken me. Even when I mess up or feel like He is so far away, He is always with me.

I accept the uncertainty. I admit that I don't know everything. If I had it all figured out, I wouldn't need the very One who created me, right? Because I don't have it all figured out, I need God in every aspect of my life. I'm nothing without Him, and I can do nothing apart from Him.

I pray for God’s will for my life and for Him to give me vision. I pray for the Lord to guide me and give me the wisdom I need. I pray for clarity. I pray for the ability to be able to communicate with Him and be able to recognize when He is speaking back to me because He always does.

Faith takes the place of uncertainty. I believe the best. I know that all things are working together for my good. It doesn’t matter what things look like or what’s happening around me. It’s my faith and God's love that gives me the certainty that everything is going to be okay.

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